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Art & Trousers: Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Asian Art

Art & Trousers yet to be published in Autumn 2021 by the ArtAsiaPacific, retrospective writings of the art curator David Elliott, spans the modern and contemporary Asian Arts, moving deftly between regional analysis, portraits of individual artists and a metaphorical history of trousers, focusing on the various impacts of invention, exchange, colonisation, politics, irony, social development, and gender. 

This layout and typography of the book emphasises one of the prominent themes of the book; alterity. To achieve this, the inspiration comes from the "Exquisite Corpse" as the basis for the design. This method was originally invented/used by surrealists by which a collection of 3 words or images are assembled to reveal the subconscious. The three images which belong to different regions and artists come together and form a single unity; while emphasizing their differences there happens to be something radical and novel. The same technique is also implied on the words and typefaces choices to create a strong modern layout and typography. 

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